21 May Caribbean Experience
This year we will do programs on Curacao, an accelerated NLP/TA Practitioner Program and an Accelerated Organic Leadership Program ...
This year we will do programs on Curacao, an accelerated NLP/TA Practitioner Program and an Accelerated Organic Leadership Program ...
PERSONAL LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION, NLP/TA Business Practitioner Certification Training Introduction The essence of development is "growth" or "bring to full wisdom. A human being who has personally developed, maintains his/her confidence, remains resourceful under adversity and has a realistic view of alternatives. Personal development takes place along two...
Trainers: Drs. Egbert L. Kinds & Yvon Hoendervoogt Includes: License for the use of the Personal, Team and Organization Values Profile, use of the Transformatrixtm and access to bench marks of successful Change Project Program content Human potential is fully utilized when a person’s motives are aligned with the...
It is time to take your Training and Facilitation skills beyond the boundaries...
De opleiding tot Master Coach, “Coachen is een vak” van Core Commit is een gedegen opleiding. In deze opleiding leer je effectieve coachende vaardigheden en houding. Hierdoor ben je in staat uiteenlopende situaties van mensen te herkennen en te begeleiden. Tevens leert deze opleiding je...
The Transformatrixtm is a three-dimensional model that based on the information of the Values Profiletm and the system dynamics of an organizaton and the need that that caused the departure point of the client. In addition, the transformation themes of an individual or organization can be mapped. Key Performance Indicators...
The Toolboxtm is a tool to support external consultants, trainers or internal facilitators to guide a change process or a training. If necessary, it we can also train the facilitators of the toolboxtm. The Toolboxtm includes a full program description and all the necessary working materials for...
The Work Behaviour Profiletm The Work Behaviour Profile™ is an on-line test which measures perceptual, thinking, motivational and acting patterns in the context of work. It is based on over 30 years of research into human typological studies by Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall and Marilyne Woodsmall. Each...
Core Commit Caribbean Summer Academy 2015 This year we have organised two training on the beautiful Island of Curacao in the Caribbean. Curacao is a country in the kingdom of the Netherlands. We offer two programs this year in which we work one week in a row from...
Click here to download a case study on Philips Lighting presented at the ASTD ...