Business Performance & NLP Trainers Training

It is time to take your Training and Facilitation skills beyond the boundaries…

Join us at the Business Performance/Trainers Training
The Annual Trainers Training consists of three parallel tracks… a Business Performance Training, a NLP Trainers Track and a Master Trainers Track. You will be joining an outstanding, high quality Training with people from all over the world. The Training will focus on the fundamental skills necessary to be an excellent Trainer and Presenter. You will be taught not only "what" to do, but "how" to do it.

No matter what your existing skill level, there's something at this training for everyone. And, there's a lot about NLP you probably don't know… that's why the INLPTA Trainers Training doesn't just promote one "brand" of NLP, but draws from all schools. We'll teach you the basics, cover the fundamentals from the powerful patterns of NLP and introduce you to the cutting edge in NLP… dealing with real world application in performance enhancement, business, therapy and more…

The Business Performance/Trainers Training covers an immense amount of information, from the fundamental patterns and processes of NLP, right through to the most recent advances in the field.


Module 1: 1th – 6th of March 2012 (all tracks)

Module 2: 14th – 18th of April 2012 (all tracks)

Module 3:  13th – 15th of May 2012 (all tracks)

Module 4: 1NLP theory session (2 days) to be planned in february with the participants (NLP Trainer and Master Trainer Track)

Price: Business Performance training € 3950. NLP Trainer and Master trainer € 4750,-

Location: Hamshire hotel de Eese, Steenwijk, the Netherlands. Price per module for full board € 745,-

The quality of the feedback you receive is exceptional!

One aspect of the Training that is particularly outstanding is the quality of the feedback that you will receive. During the Training you will present a number of lessons, demonstrations, and training designs. Your colleagues and the Trainers will all provide you with high quality feedback, so that you begin to hone and develop your skills at every opportunity. And because you will be working with some of the best Trainers in the NLP community, you will be getting personalized coaching by professionals who have both major insights and incredible levels of distinctions.

Professional & Practical

The Trainers Track will focus on how to successfully train and market an NLP Practitioner Training and Master Practitioner Training, and how to use NLP in business, consulting, therapy and training. It will focus on both what to do and how to do it. The "what" will come from the INLPTA guide-lines for NLP Trainings in both business and in therapy. The "how to" will come from having modeled trainers who do the patterns successfully. The training will incorporate Generative Learning? and Advanced Behavioral Modeling? Principles which will help accelerate your ability to master the information and learnings being presented; and you will have the opportunity to receive regular feedback from all the Trainers. In addition (each trainee will have his training physiology worked on directly in order to achieve a more ho- listic approach to developing himself as an excellent trainer.

Join in on some of the optional evening sessions 

There will be bonus evening sessions that are in addition to the course content you will be covering. The sessions will be conducted free of charge and attendance is optional but highly recommended! A wide range of topics will be addressed focusing on recent developments in NLP and on information from other disciplines that complement the NLP model. These will be conducted most evenings from 7:00 to 9:00pm.

" It's not just a trainers training, it's an international forum of peers, colleagues and the best NLP Trainers in the world…"

Exciting new material being presented…

By attending The Trainers Training, it is guaranteed that you will be brought up to speed on the latest developments in NLP. And you will rediscover the basic foundations of the field.

The following is a listing of some of the key content pieces that you will be learning as a participant in this NLP Trainers Training. This is only a partial listing of some of the content that you will be covering.

Module 1: Training and Presentation Design Skills (all tracks)

* Presenting your ideas quickly and clearly
*The secrets behind holding your audience spell-bound
*Facilitating people's learning filters
*The secret to creating understanding 
*The Concepts, Principles and Techniques model
*Installing & utilizing strategies from the stage
*Well Formedness conditions for outcomes
*How to create charisma from the stage
*Developing your vocal variability
*Tracking for Logical Levels and Logical Typing
*How to model the learner
*Developing your identity as a Trainer
*How to test, evaluate, give feedback and retest your students

Module 2 Stage Performance and Presentation Skills (all tracks)

Learn these vital 
training skills and stage craft…
*The 4-Mat system and training design
*Stage anchoring
*Nested loops
*Logistics (and working with logistic teams)
-environmental influences
*Chunking, sequencing and the shaping of behaviors
*Adult Learning Theory and Memory Mechanics
*Accelerated Learning
*Generative Learning
*The four Logical Levels of Learning
*The seven Generative
Learning ? "TOTEs
*The learning Meta Programs
*Advanced Language Patterns
*Platform skills
*Developing a training style
*Facilitating exercises
– giving instructions
– debriefing
*Open Frames
*Overcoming the barriers to learning
*Use of Voice, Body, Tempo, and Rhythm
*How to use (and not use) trainer notes
*Group calibration skills
*Group trances
*Use of Music, Colors, Props and Games
*How to help students past learning blocks

Module 3: NLP Trainers and Mastertrainers evaluation process (only for NLP Trainers and NLP Mastertrainers Track)

Overview of the INLPTA content of Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainers Training content

The evaluation process… here's what happens
The Trainers evaluation leads to your NLP Trainers Certification. During your evaluation, you are thoroughly tested on your understanding and knowledge of NLP. The evaluation has both a verbal assessment and a written component. Part of the evaluation involves you doing two "live" presentations in front of an audience, as well as an informal "open frame" session. Rather than being a trial or an obstacle course, the evaluation process is an opportunity to really learn about your skills and to benefit from some exceptional feedback.

Do I have to go through the evaluation procedure?
Only those people who want to be certified as NLP Trainers, or who have a strong desire to complete the process, go through the evaluation procedure. Most people do stay and complete the process. The choice is always a personal one, and many people do make the choice to attend the evaluation process after they have been through the initial part of the program.

Everyone gets a certificate of completion…
Attendance at the Trainers Training does not mean that you are automatically certified as a Trainer. And not everyone who attends the Trainers Training intends to be officially certified as an NLP Trainer. Accordingly, everyone who attends the Training, and either chooses not to attend the evaluation, or does not fulfill the Certification requirements at the time, receives a certificate of completion. This is a handsome certificate, and is a significant statement that you have attended a very demanding training. It also will provide you with access to future INLPTA Trainers Training evaluations when you are ready.

To be certified as a an NLP Trainer, candidates must meet these key requirements:

1)The candidate is an accredited Master Practitioner.

2)The candidate has successfully attended and completed an INLPTA Trainers Training.

3)The candidate has a good working knowledge of NLP content, and is able to demonstrate their ability to utilize NLP in an ethical, professional and ecological way, as well as to embody the attitudes and presuppositions of NLP.

It's highly recommended that candidates have either reviewed and/or assisted with a Practitioner or Master Practitioner Program since their original training at those levels as a student.

Anyone successfully completing this training may join INLPTA and certify Practitioners and Master Practitioners through this organization. Members may purchase seals to affix to their Certification Certificates and may use the seal in advertising. Refer to the INLPTA guidelines for more information.

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