26 Oct Accelerated Organic Leaderschip & Change Management
Core Commit Caribbean Summer Academy 2015
This year we have organised two training on the beautiful Island of Curacao in the Caribbean. Curacao is a country in the kingdom of the Netherlands.
We offer two programs this year in which we work one week in a row from 1pm till 8 pm:
Organic Leadership/Change Management Master (Accelerated)
Trainers: Drs. Egbert L. Kinds & Yvon Hoendervoogt
Includes: License for the use of the Personal, Team and Organization Values Profile, use of the Transformatrixtm and access to bench marks of successful Change Project
Program content
Human potential is fully utilized when a person’s motives are aligned with the task and missions of the team and the organization in which they work. The Values Profile shows the extent to which an organization utilizes the values potential of its employees.
The Organic Leadership approach will support organization to enable commitment to the strategy and attain personal ownership of change goals at all levels involved.
In this training participants will be certified to work with the Values Profile, an instrument that measures and visualizes values drives in people and value systems in teams and organizations.
Part I (2 evening webinars)
- Presuppositions of Organic Leadership and Change management
- Introduction into value drives and value systems (based on the theory of Prof. Clare W. Graves and the Spiral Dynamics model)
- The Values Profiletm: introduction
Part II (Training)
- How to use personal Values Profile in consultancy and training
- Interpretation of the Personal Values Profile and the Work Behavior Profiletm
- How to connect to the natural flow of motivation of employees
- Coaching people based on their Personal Values Profile
- Selection, training and retentionLicense for the use of the Personal Values Profile
- Diagnosis of present (IST) and desired (SOLL) organizational situation
- Interpretation of the results of a Team and Organizational Values Profile
- Analysis of the shifts between value systems
- Overview of the Transformatrix, an model that’s allows to design a developmental path for individuals, teams and organizations
- Managing the transition from one value system to another (benchmarks)
- How to facilitate smooth implementation processes
- Defining Mission, Vision and Values
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